Seasons ~ Tiphanie W. | November 2023

Lately I’ve felt like I am in a weird season. Note, I did not say a hard season or a bad season. It is just weird. Then I heard a quote that said: you cannot become the right person in the wrong environment. And I remembered another quote a few weeks prior that said: you don’t know the version of yourself that is required for the thing that you have been praying for. So, you have been placed in a season of preparation to make yourself appropriate to be able to satisfy the very thing you’ve been praying for. I sat with both of those thoughts for some time and then I grabbed my pen.

{“I go to work daily…..comfortable but feeling very stagnant.”} I’ve worked some pretty neat and rewarding positions over the last decade. I know everything happens for a reason and the work that I’ve done has helped so many children and families both in financial resources and educational resources, among other things. I’ve worked in public service fields (education and social work) for some time now. But even with all that I’ve done, I don’t feel fulfilled. I haven’t felt that way since 2014.

Taking a step back during a time when my career was soaring was not easy – at all! Has it been worth it, yes! Because money cannot buy time, nor happiness, nor peace, nor sanity. The years I spent being physically and emotionally available to my family are invaluable. The memories created during those years are priceless. But there is this part of me that often wonders, where would I be right now had I kept going? I was on fire for about a 5-year span. And yes, I have received promotions and recognition at every single job since but that’s just it. They are literally just jobs, not a career. One may say, I’ve had a career in public service for a decade or a career in education for a little over a decade but that’s not how I view it.

At this point, I want more, more than mediocre. Last fall, I made a slight change back in that direction by returning to a 12-month, 8-5 schedule, after working 10 months at pretty much 8-3 or 4pm for the past 5 years. I know there is more in store for me and this is only the beginning simply because His word says so. I’ve made my request known so now I wait. There is so much work that has been done within me and so much more to be done and I know that is part of the reason I am not quite where I want to be or should I say, I am not at the place He is preparing for me. I want nothing more than to walk in purpose. He doesn’t call the equipped. He equips those who He calls.

This season of wait – This season of rest – This season of preparation – is a season of equipping. First the heart, then the mind. Everything is always from the inside out, when it is from Him.


Quiet as its Kept ~ Tiphanie W.| December 2023


The Experience ~ Tiphanie W. | July 2023