Health is the new Wealth ~ Tiphanie W. | September 2022

Ah this is my jam! There are so many things I could talk about all day and this topic is definitely one of them. I am not a licensed trained health care professional nor do I proclaim to be. Occasionally, I take what some of them say at face value anyway. I am not a fitness or personal trainer. I am not a nutritionist. But what I am is a personal who has a high interest in taking care of myself physically and mentally; internally and externally.

What good is it to eat healthy but suffer from chronic stress? What good is it to workout on a regular but consume alcohol on a regular as well? What good is to prioritize sleep but use tons of harsh chemicals, carcinogenic products and toxins? I mean think about it. No one is perfect and even some of the most physically fit individuals may possibly face challenges in life because stuff unfortunately just happens. The thing is to make conscious decisions and lifestyle choices that can optimize your health and hopefully prolong your lifespan.

I used to be skinny, literally all of my life. I still indeed have a small frame but my weight has increased over the years. I was able to successfully gain almost 25 pounds through diet and strength training exercise. When I was super skinny, those are not my proudest years in life. I had major self-image issues, I had poor eating habits and exercise was pretty much non-existent. The only time I monitored my diet and habits was during my pregnancy with my youngest son. My body wasn’t my own anymore and I knew I wanted to provide the very best environment for him. After he was born, I remained small and slipped right back into my old ways. But something sparked in me when I turned 30. I woke up and realized I only had one body and it was starting to change with age. I knew it was time to change my ways also. It’s like our pressure washer guy said when he saw a spike in business in 2021. He was like why on earth would a person only pressure wash their house just put it on the market for someone else. Why not take care of your house and keep it looking nice for you while you are in it? The same goes for the body. We only get one so we need to take care of it.

Fast forward five years and I am much healthier than before. Tiphanie at a BMI of 26 (at times 27-28) is much healthier than Tiphanie at a BMI of 23. It goes to show you can’t always base things off the scale and someone’s initial appearance. I want to live long….a good life, a blessed life. I want my kids to bury me in old age. So I make a conscious effort to eat clean, healthy meals, to consume nutritious, hydrating beverages, to rest when I need rest, to be active often, to enjoy nature and adventures, to engage in fresh air and direct sunlight, and to do things that make me feel good!


Money Talk ~ Tiphanie W. | November 2022